Application Status

There are two ways to check the Gruha Lakshmi application status:

Method 1 :

You can also track your application status on the MAHITI KANAJA Portal. Please follow the below steps to check your status.

Method 2 :

  • Click on this direct link to track your application status.
  • Please enter your application number and click the search button.
  • Now, the Gruha Lakshmi application status will start to display on your screen.
Gruha Lakshmi application status


What should I do if my application status shows as pending or rejected?

If your application status isn't what you expected, it's best to contact the authorities managing the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme. Here are some ways to reach them:

  • Department helpline: Look for the official helpline number for the department handling the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme in Karnataka. This number might be available on the government website or through public announcements.
  • Help desk: Visit the department's office or a designated help desk (if available) to speak with a representative regarding your application status.

How long does it typically take to process a Gruha Lakshmi Scheme application?

The processing time for Gruha Lakshmi Scheme applications can vary depending on the program cycle and workload. An official timeframe might not always be available, but contacting the department through the methods mentioned in the previous answer can give you a better idea of the expected processing timeline.